A properly functioning septic system keeps wastewater away from your home, protecting the health and safety of your family. However, if a septic tank is not pumped regularly it can overflow and pollute local soil and groundwater with harmful bacteria and pathogens. It can also release odor-causing gases like methane and hydrogen sulfide, leading to nausea, headaches and more serious health conditions over time. Scheduling septic tank pumping on a regular cadence protects the system and prevents these problems from occurring. Resource : jacksonvillesepticservice.com
The Importance of Regular Septic Tank Pumping in Jacksonville
A septic system’s primary function is to separate household wastewater from solid waste so that the liquid, or effluent, can be absorbed through the soil in the absorption field without clogging. The solids that remain in the septic tank are carried by the sewage into the absorption field and deposited in a gravel-lined biomat, where they get broken up to some extent as the wastewater filters through. If the biomats get too thick and clog the soil absorption field, they can be removed by flushing out the drain field with a high-pressure jet pump that is part of most septic systems.
If the septic tank is full of sludge, a qualified technician will use a special pump to vacuum the sludge into a truck for disposal. During the pump-out, the technician will also check the inlet and outlet ports and inspect the tank cover and baffles for damage or wear. They will also note if there is backflow from the outlet pipe, which could indicate that the septic system has a clog in the distribution box or drainfield.
Jacksonville Septic Tank Pumping LLC